Thursday, September 29, 2011

Silly Kids, Trix are for CARS!

Let me just start off by saying that my day has been amazing so far!  Aside from this whole allergic reaction thing with my eye, it had been great!  Some donut holes, an Orangeade, a mani/pedi, a GHETTO car, speeding home, a quick change, AND a lovely message telling me I had a package later...  we have a blog post!

Yesterday, I went to get a mani/pedi with my friend Devin.  We had a great time.  It was fun.  Blah blah blah.  The actual fun stuff came when we left.  In the parking lot, we find this... This... Well, you just take a look and tell me what you think.

Yeah...  Silly kids!  Trix are for CARS!!! :D  Hahahah.  After seeing this car, Devin and I went speeding down the highway to get back to HPU.  It was 6:20 and she had a reservation at 6:45!  We pull onto campus at exactly 6:45 and let me TELL you.  This girl was up four flights of stairs, put on a dress, back down the stairs and half way across campus before I pulled back around the building!  As we say in theater, QUICK CHANGE!

Last night, my roomie and I decided to move our room around...  Two girls, moving furniture.  That was not exactly the best combination.  BUT we did it!  That's what I call TEAMWORK.

Hahaha, Chandler got stuck behind my bed while we were moving it.  :D

This morning I got a message that my package came in!  I am SO excited!  My brand new Red Dooney & Bourke Crossbody Pouchette came in!  It is SO cute.  I love love love love love it!  Gosh, I keep trying to cut this short, but my day just keeps getting better!  

Tonight, I am being indicted into the SGA at school and tomorrow I am driving up to UNC Chapel Hill to stay the night with my very first BFF.  What a weekend it's going to be!

I hope everyone has an awesome rest of the day and I hope you guys enjoyed my blog!

Love always,

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Great Day!!

Hi lovelies!

Today is going to be an amazing day!  I woke up this morning and my eye was swollen, but it is much better now!  NOTHING is going to bring my day down!  What could make a better day?  I've got my Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL, nestled in my shiny coffee cozy of course!), a pumpkin roll, a krispy kreme donut, celery sticks, my flower headband, and pink toenails.  Today could NOT get any better, unless Eric Bana showed up and asked me to marry him, but that is a totally different story.  Oh, I also got a 96 on my test in my Music course this morning, so that was a nice little addition to my morning!

So, I'm sitting here in my History class listening to a lecture about the "Social Consequences of Industrialization."  Did I mention that History was never my forte?  I should probably be paying WAY more attention.  Hopefully, my PSL will keep me awake for the rest of this class and through my Chinese class after this.  I can actually SAY things in Chinese.  Come find me and I'll say something to you.  Haha.

My History teacher is SO priceless.  He makes jokes every class about something sexual.  Today it was about being drunk in college and possibly being our grandpa...  Uhm... hashtagAWKWARD.

So here's a taste of what college is! (:

Anyways, I've got to get on these notes!  I'll update later!

Love & Kisses,

Monday, September 26, 2011


Hi guys! I know it's been forever since I've posted, but I figured it's about time I get back on top of this!  I've been procrastinating on getting back to you guys on an update, but I finally got the motivation to do it!  I figured that the B.O.B. concert here at HPU might be a great way to let y'all know what going on in my life.

So, I started school on August, 20th and I am NOT looking back.  I love it here at HPU and I wouldn't trade it for anything.  In my time here, I've experienced a lot of growth, and no I don't mean my height.  We all know that I'm NEVER getting any taller.  :(  I feel a sense of maturation and responsibility that has come with starting college.  Now, all that's mushy and nice, but what does it actually mean?

No, I don't party EVERY single day.  I do study and I do spend time in the library.  Granted, our LIB is extremely nice and I would spend time up there on the balcony any night, I do spend time studying.  I try to manage my money and I don't drive all up and down the world like I used to.  My car is finally getting a little rest!

Kill me now, but I'm also taking CHINESE.  Before you comment, I am NOT Chinese.  I am Vietnamese, and they are nothing alike.  I'm doing great in it, but not because I'm Asian.  I PROMISE you this.  There's SO much I want to update you guys on, but I can't think of it right now!!

I hope you guys have had a wonderful day and I PROMISE I'll be writing more!

Love always,