Thursday, August 8, 2013

My, how the times have changed!

Well, look who found her blog and decided to actually write something!?  I must say that it has been quite a while since I've even thought about posting anything!  Honestly, I almost forgot about the existence of this blog for about a year now and my, how the times have changed!  The things I thought and felt a year ago are easily faded memories now.  There have been so many changes in what seems like such a short amount of time that I'm not even sure where to start! I guess we can begin where I left off...  I guess the last time I wrote was after Spring Break 2012.  Shit, that's been a while.  I was going to HPU still then! Four boyfriends and countless bottles of wine later, I give you this...

Let's back track/rewind to August, a year ago today...

I had just been promoted to Assistant Manager at the company I work for and everything was going great!  I was single, without a care in the world and ready to start my 2nd year at HPU.  Yeah, all of that went to hell as soon as school started.  Every direction I turned, there was always something.  The first month of school was torture at best.  I basically went out with my sisters for the first two weekends on campus and then I abandoned ship.  I stopped going out and poured myself into my job and was barely going out or even attending class!  I'd even met someone that worked with the company and started seeing him and all was "well."  Somewhere around late August/early September, my manager went out of town and left me his apartment for the weekend to "host" some friends in the company.  If you haven't noticed by now, inside the company we are all close friends.  That was the night a lot of things changed.  Before that night, I'd never realized how easy it was to get "roofied."  Sounds pretty scary, right?  Yeah, tell me about it when you wake up and everything is actually hazy and you can't see or think straight after having had half a glass of wine.  Luckily, I was fine.  Nothing terrible happened except for the drama that would later ensue.  Now what's cool is I gave completely clear directions to Cook Out and back in this state.  Not that it's a proud moment or anything, but I'd like to think that even in a state total black out (is that what they call it when you get roofied?) I was still able to give directions to get food.  Hey, a girl's gotta eat!  

Now I'm sure you're all just wondering about this whole love life situation I was in, huh?  Just kidding, I know y'all don't really care, but I'll tell you anyways.  The whole fall semester, I was a wreck.  The whole breaking up, getting back together, breaking up again only to hate/loathe each other, then finally coming to a consensus that we could be friends thing with my ex wasn't helping and neither was my new "relationship" that was, to speak highly of it: rocky, was definitely NOT helping my grades/mental stability.  I'm pretty sure I was depressed for a bit there.  Whatever, I'm fine now.

Fast forward to late September...

I spent the weekend with my best girlfriend, Faith Frazier, in Charlotte!  At this time, she had been trying to convince me to transfer and I wasn't hearing a word of it!  On this particular night, her roommate was baking chocolate cupcakes with strawberry icing and in walks this guy who I honestly thought I would never see again.  His name is Tori Mosley.  He was cocky and full of himself as if he was some kind of godsend and I instantly knew that I wanted to mess up his cocky attitude.  So, what else would I do?  I made conversation.  At the end of this conversation, he asked for my number and we began texting a little here and there.  According to him, he said that was the day he told himself he was going to take me on a date.  Obviously, I was already seeing someone, so that was NOT going to happen.

Fast forward to November...

By now, I had decided to transfer to UNCC.  Faith never stopped giving me shit for this, but it's okay.  I was really excited about the move!  I'd found the perfect place to live, had my best friend a minute up the road, and the guy I was seeing another minute away.  Life was good!  At the end of the month I went to Niagara Falls with my company to tour our factory and made some new friends while I was there and even earned a battle scar on my left leg from what I can only assume was a mistake on the way back from Canada after several $200 bar tabs that night.  Needless to say, I don't know how I got the scar or that I had even hurt myself until I awoke the next morning and I had a rather large bandaid on my left thigh.  No one else seems to remember either, so I count it as a loss and a great night.

Fast forward to January...

I had pretty much endured the worst day "ever."  My current relationship down the drain and my plans for the night were to eat ice cream and watch sad love stories.  That's pathetic, I know.  Trust me, I'll never be in that place again.  Remember Tori?  Yeah, he still hadn't taken me on this date he'd been trying to get me to go on for 4 months now.  He just so happened to text me on this night.  My options were to stay in and get fat off of ice cream or go out for dinner wherever I wanted to go.  I took the free meal.  After our first date, I really wasn't expecting to see much of this guy ever again.  Truth be told, I wasn't over my ex and he was kind of just something fun.



After Christmas, I worked my ass off for two straight weeks and won a trip to Jamaica with my company.  A week in Jamaica with 2 of my best friends was just what the doctor ordered.  My company had paid for us to go on an ALL INCLUSIVE trip to Jamaica.  Do you KNOW what All Inclusive means?  Not until you've experienced it.  Let us just say that I enjoyed myself and indulged in the SWIM UP BAR and the 24/7 hot mess express buffet.  Did I mention that I was ordering mixed shots so often that the bartenders mixed me two bottles and just gave them to me so I could do shots as I wished?  I told you, I was "rewarding" myself for all of my hard work!  I'd also like to take the time to say that there were some questionable life choices made while in Jamaica; like sailing with Cody King and him not actually paying attention to the instructor at all or maybe the visits to the bar before breakfast...  Either way, I wouldn't say they were POOR life choices, I would however say that they were questionable.  I had an amazing time and even won the Super Bowl Contest at Margaritaville and won $100!  Look at that!  Yvonne, in Jamaica, at Margaritaville, with a drink in hand, and I won more money than I spent on the trip.  I'd say I was having the time of my life!


In March, I spent a weekend in NYC with Tori.  Remember?  The guy who I was never going to see again?  Yeah, not so much.  We had a great time and froze our asses off, walked around in the snow, and waited an hour and a half to be seated at a TINY little restaurant called Shopsin's.  I will say that it was best hour and half I've ever waited for.  In this little market on Essex Street in NYC's Lower East Side, I fell in love (with food, that is).  Shopsin's seats four parties at a time and each party can only have 4 people at the most.  The place featured decorations that could have mirrored a college dorm and a fat chef who cursed and told lewd jokes.  I was in cultural SHOCK and I loved every second of it.  My meal was something out of a Dr. Seuss book!  I ordered up a breakfast platter that included kimchi bbq pork on a bun, chili poutine, and date’n nut "slutty cakes."  Take that Green Eggs and Ham!  HA!  My tastebuds were completely shocked.  I didn't know what to think!  Who thinks to put these things together or to call pancakes "slutty cakes?!"  Obviously Kevin Shopsin, the culinary genius that he is.  Side note: I'm almost positive that Tori was really scared of me driving into NYC, but was even more scared to do so himself.  Luckily, I knew my way pretty well from all of my previous trips.


The semester wore on and ended.  I made TONS of new friends in Charlotte and spent my days with Tori and all of his brothers at Kappa Sigma.  It was a really fun semester!  At the end of May, I took a break from work so I could just relax and de-stress for a little while.  I got bored.


Summer wore on and I got REALLY bored, so I got back in the business and started working again and actually being productive.  Things were going really well with Tori and before we knew it, we'd been seeing each other for a while!  Everything seemed to be going really well and I loved every second of it.  June wasn't really exciting, but that's alright.


Guess where I went for July 4th?  The BEACH!! (:  Just like everyone else.  I had an amazing week with Tori and his family before we both had to return to Charlotte.  Now, the best part of this trip was after 8 months of seeing each other, Tori finally popped the question.  No, not THE question.  He had me SO worried all week and around midnight on July 4th (technically the 5th) he asks me to come outside and directs me through this long process just to get down to the beach.  He had dug up the words "Will you be my girlfriend.  Check Yes or No." in the sand and put tiny votive candles through out it.  It was beautiful and I was beside myself with happiness.  So, we finally made it official even though everyone else was already convinced that we were.  I checked, well, actually I circled Yes, by the way.  I don't like being told what to do!  Haha!


AND now it's August and I'm sitting here typing out this long ass post about God knows what like y'all even care.  Hopefully you even finish this, but I can't actually believe many of you will.  My wrist hurts from typing so much and I've just watched my first ever episode of American Horror Story.  I am totally lost and need a hot bath and a glass of wine!  I'm sitting here reflecting on my life in the past year and wondering how it just went by so quickly!  All of the feelings I had a year ago, they are completely different.  Everything that I wanted a year ago, have changed.  It's funny how so much changes in as little as a year, but I'm glad it did.  Nothing ever seems to work out the way you plan it to, but I'm a huge advocate of everything happening for a reason.  If none of the terrible and wonderful things that happened to me would have never happened, I would not be who I am right now.  I've been taught so much about myself and the world in this year and I plan to continue my education until the day I die.

Now, I know it's not what most people want to hear, but a wise guy once told me that in order to succeed, I just gotta get the hell out of my own way.  Wise words that I'm trying to live by right now.  I think everyone should take that into account.  Somewhere along the way, we've all decided to just settle for mediocrity.  Why aren't we fulfilling our dreams and our full potentials?  Was it too hard?  Were you scared to fail?  I'm young and I've been through plenty of obstacles already!  I don't call anything a failure (except if you fail to finish a drink, in which case I will tease you until you finish it and down another).  I don't believe in failures at all.  I believe that there are obstacles in life and that everyone has to get through them to meet their full potentials.  So, now, instead of continuing to type (mainly because my wrist hurts!) I'm going to go out (well, I'm going to sleep now) and follow my heart and dream big, because I don't want to be sitting in a diner 10 years from now wishing I'd done that one thing.  10 years from now, I don't want to think about what I should have or could have done differently, I want to think about all of the crazy stuff I did, how much fun I had, and all of the lives I've impacted in positive ways because at the end of the day my life goal is to impact everyone I meet, even if only for a split second, in a positive way.

With all my love,

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring Break!

So, as it is now popularly known, many of High Point's finest headed down to the Gulf Coast for Spring Break 2012!  Panama City Beach was, in essence, the perfect vacation.  I loved it, but I would never want to have those exact same experiences EVER again.  So, at midnight on that Friday night, we packed up my new car and hit the road for new experiences with different people, at the beach, and away from school!  Little do we know, a storm is looming ahead.  When I say that, I don't mean it symbolically, we literally drove through a tornado, missed our exit because we couldn't see anything, and lived to tell the tale!  Not to mention, we then lived through a week of what I would like to call excessive everything.  We all learned a few key things in PCB though!

1.  Don't use a fake ID... Just don't.
2.  If you find Lisa Trigueiro, please return her to...
3.  You'll most likely find her by a tractor or in another town.
4.  Don't drink all day, every day.  You're going to die.
5.  At some point in time, suicide will be a thought.  Whether it's because of the massive hangover you've procured from a day/night of all the different kinds of bombs, shots, beers, and whatever else made it's way into your bloodstream or because there are just SO many balconies to jump off of, it will be a thought.
6.  Don't let your friends run off without you, and if they do, tape their arms so people know you're together.  We're all kids at heart and when you're matching, people just KNOW you're together. :D
7.  Someone's going to fall in love.
8.  Did your bf/gf go to Spring Break?  Yeah, I wouldn't count on that one...
9.  If you get arrested, make sure someone takes a picture, so you remember it.
10.  People aren't how they really are on SB.  We are all hyped up, alcohol induced, and much more spontaneous version of ourselves while on vacation.
11.  Don't get lost, please.  Whatever you do, make sure that someone sober knows where you are.
12.  Don't blackout with other people who are blacked out.  Remember, your friends are drunk and will think ANYTHING is a great idea.
13.  Don't play dizzy bat with only liquor.  But if you do, make sure you hit the hell out of the beer can/ball they throw at you.
14.  Pray that there aren't embarrassing photos of you, and then when you see them, just pretend like it never happened.
15.  Whatever you do, have fun.  No regrets!! :D  BOMO YOLO!!

Seven Days...

With only seven days of class left, I've been sitting here thinking about what the heck I'm doing with my life.  Sure, I'm VP, an IRC Rep, and in a sorority, but what am I really doing?  I haven't even been able to answer that question and it's been a few weeks!  I spoke to my adviser the other day about future plans and what I'm worried about and she literally told me that I'm a freshman and I need to just relax first.  WHAT?!  How am I supposed to "relax" when my future plan is to start a multi-gajillion dollar fashion/clothing line, write a bestselling novel, marry someone who makes enough money that I could be a stay at home mother, but hold a job that generates more money than he does, end poverty in the world, start a charity fund, AND save the world?!  Okay, let's be completely honest, probably none of the above is going to happen and I'm more than likely just going to end up going to law school and forgetting about all of my hopes and dreams...  I joke.  I would NEVER do that and I would NEVER suggest that anyone gives up their dreams for a job they won't love.  It will never end well if you don't love what you do!

I think back on what now is the closing of freshman year and I see a huge blur!  It like my life was put on the high speed setting on your hairdryer and the power button broke so all you get is this ridiculous droning sound!  In a span of semesters, I've managed to do SO much and make so many new friends and memories.  I'm in love with it!  I love all of it!  What I don't love is that finals are coming up.  It's like death.  Luckily for me, I have a completely jam-packed schedule and have no time to even study (wonderful!).  Please, just kill me now.

Also, I feel awful about not posting in a while and I never even wrote about my Spring Break!  Gosh, what's new?  Panama City Beach, a lot of crazy people, good memories, now faded tan lines, loud music, and endless hours at the bars and clubs!  I have sooo many thoughts in my head right now and I'm just trying to get them all out, but I think I'll have to write a whole separate post about spring break, seeing as it was a week of wreaking havoc in PCB, I'll leave you to your imaginations at the trouble that was caused!

Love you guys!  As always, thanks for reading!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

I Must Be Insane.

So, a few days ago I started this new diet and exercise plan.  Hopefully, by the time I go back to school, I'll have lost some weight and toned up!  There are some very specific rules to my diet:

White Bread
Fast Food
Peanut Butter
Ice Cream
Fried Foods
And Anything that Looks Remotely Unhealthy
Also, I'm drinking only water! Well, trying. :D
So... basically trying to cut carbs completely for a week and incorporate them back into my diet in a healthy way.

So, what can I eat?! I'm having an interesting time so far!  Last night, I made 'Roasted Stuffed Bell Peppers' for dinner with my besty.  For lunch, I'm planning on Either a grilled chicken salad or a steak salad, I'm not too sure what I want yet.  Kill me now, but then comes all the exercise:  100 jumping jacks, 90 crunches, 80 squats, 70 leg lifts, 60 jumping jacks, 50 crunches, 40 squats, 30 leg lifts, 20 jumping jacks, 10 minutes of cardio.  On top of that, running 2 miles at least once a day.

Hopefully I can do this thing, if not, I'll keep working at it! (:
I hope everyone's having a wonderful break!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Hey guys,

Anyone else notice that its that time of the semester?  No, not the end.  Not yet.  :(  It's finals time and everyone around here is crazy.  I haven't seen a properly dressed person in quite a while.  We all have that same look: leggings, over-sized sweatshirts, hair up, no make-up (or yesterday's make-up), sunken eyes, some weight loss, and no voices.  Everyone's sick, stressed out, and overworked.  It's about time for the semester to be over with and it will have all been worth it.  Bring on the all nighters, overdoses on caffeine, and for some, the addy.  I'm sorry for leaving you guys hanging, but I've been so busy with school and such that I've had no time to just sit down and do this.  I'm only here because I'm trying to procrastinate as long as possible before I really have to get on this final project.  It's due at midnight tonight.  I should be getting on top of that, but I just really don't quite feel like it.  I've been in bed all day and I can't speak, so that gives me a little bit of a reason for procrastinating.  Haha, not really.  I know the only reason y'all sat here and read all of this is because you're procrastinating as well, so don't judge!

I hope everyone's finals go really well and we all leave school with a sense of pride in the work we've done this semester, AKA: how many nights we don't remember how we got home safely or how many times we ditched class because of hangovers.

Just kidding guys, I've been working REALLY hard here at High Point University and I plan on staying up all night on Tuesday (the day of my last final) to CELEBRATE all the hard work that I and all my classmates have put into this semester.

All my love and best of luck on finals,

Monday, October 10, 2011

No sleep 'til New Years

Before I start, let me explain the title.  A long time ago I came by a pin that was colorfully decorated and upon closer inspection, I saw that it was inscribed with the words "No sleep 'til New Years."  Back then, I had NO idea of what this could possibly mean.  This past week, I think I found out.  Aside from it being a band, that is... (:

I told myself I would NEVER go out on a school night...  I also told myself I would go to bed earlier on school nights...  Obviously, I was not thinking this past week.

Monday night, I was literally awake ALL night.  As in 7am was when I finally felt tired and I had a class at 8:30, what was the use in sleeping?  Well, I obviously needed some because I woke up 30 minutes late for class and didn't get there until there were only 10 minutes of class time left.  Monday night I stayed up studying until about 1am, helped my friend make DayGlow t-shirts, went to Cookout at 2:30am, and then stayed up talking until 7am...  I am out of my mind.  Trust me, I know.

Tuesday was my earliest night of the week.  I stayed up until about 2am studying and then I went to sleep.  However, I did go out this night.  I went to dinner, a hookah lounge, and just hung out with one of my close friends.  We had tons of fun and I am forever grateful to him.

Wednesday night, however was absolutely awful.  I was awake until 6am.  I went out and didn't get home until 4am!  Hookah lounges, hanging out, and a bar later, I don't get home until 4am!  I stayed up another 2 hours later talking to my boyfriend.  Yep... 6am.  What is wrong with me?!

Thursday night, my friends from home (Anna Greene, Mo Yarboro, Jessica Hargett, Pj Whitaker, and Zackary Thompson) all came to stay with me.  We went completely insane and I don't remember falling asleep.  So... yeah, I have no idea when or how I got to my bf's room that night.  Good times...

By Friday, I felt like absolute crap.  I had a fever, my stomach wanted to kill me, my head was pounding, and I had SO much to do on Friday!  Friday night, I felt so awful that all I wanted to do was go to bed.  Unfortunately, I couldn't sleep and of course I stayed up ALL night.

Saturday night, my friends Pj and Zack came back over and stayed.  We went out to the Greek Village for a while and then I started feeling sick again!  Go me!  I had a fever, stomachache, and headache all over again.  We all spent the rest of the night watching a movie and finally passing out around 2 or 3am.

Finally, Sunday was here!  I spent the majority of the day in bed and finally to get a manicure and a home cooked meal!  I baked a pumpkin roll with cream cheese filling (YUM!!!).  We finally got back to school and were in bed by 1:30am.  Again, I couldn't sleep because of my fever, stomachache, and headache SOOOO I didn't sleep. :(

It's Monday morning... I am dead tired and I just want to die.  History class is absolutely awful and I still have Chinese after this.  4 days until Fall break.  I am so excited.  I miss my bed SO much.

With all my love,

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Silly Kids, Trix are for CARS!

Let me just start off by saying that my day has been amazing so far!  Aside from this whole allergic reaction thing with my eye, it had been great!  Some donut holes, an Orangeade, a mani/pedi, a GHETTO car, speeding home, a quick change, AND a lovely message telling me I had a package later...  we have a blog post!

Yesterday, I went to get a mani/pedi with my friend Devin.  We had a great time.  It was fun.  Blah blah blah.  The actual fun stuff came when we left.  In the parking lot, we find this... This... Well, you just take a look and tell me what you think.

Yeah...  Silly kids!  Trix are for CARS!!! :D  Hahahah.  After seeing this car, Devin and I went speeding down the highway to get back to HPU.  It was 6:20 and she had a reservation at 6:45!  We pull onto campus at exactly 6:45 and let me TELL you.  This girl was up four flights of stairs, put on a dress, back down the stairs and half way across campus before I pulled back around the building!  As we say in theater, QUICK CHANGE!

Last night, my roomie and I decided to move our room around...  Two girls, moving furniture.  That was not exactly the best combination.  BUT we did it!  That's what I call TEAMWORK.

Hahaha, Chandler got stuck behind my bed while we were moving it.  :D

This morning I got a message that my package came in!  I am SO excited!  My brand new Red Dooney & Bourke Crossbody Pouchette came in!  It is SO cute.  I love love love love love it!  Gosh, I keep trying to cut this short, but my day just keeps getting better!  

Tonight, I am being indicted into the SGA at school and tomorrow I am driving up to UNC Chapel Hill to stay the night with my very first BFF.  What a weekend it's going to be!

I hope everyone has an awesome rest of the day and I hope you guys enjoyed my blog!

Love always,