Thursday, March 31, 2011

Nasty. Nosy. Narcissism.

As I was trudging through the muddy nastiness that's a parking lot to my car, a few thought entered my mind.  First, why is is Spring and freezing cold?  Second, there have been some really interesting things that have been happening in my life.  Third, did I really wear black leggings, pink athletic shorts, Uggs, and my senior hoodie, pearl earrings, and a "drop dead" smile to school today?

The answer to my first question was obviously that the weather man decided it was going to be cloudy, rainy, and disgusting. (Duh! Why else would there be weird weather?)  My second thought about the interesting things?  What constitutes interesting, you ask?

Let's elaborate on this stalker situation.  The guy won't leave me alone!  I mean, he comments and likes everything I ever post on my facebook, he texts me on a regularly consistent basis, and he tries to Skype me all the time.  Every time he sees me, he strikes up some ridiculous conversation that no one other than him has any interest in, makes jokes that no one catches, and the worst of all, he's a name dropper.  Sure, maybe you know someone, but you don't have to speak to the rest of the world as if you are better than us and act as if we don't know this person.  I'm sure that he probably doesn't really even like you at all, because you, my dear friend, are a stalker.  A first class, creepy, future child molester, stalker.

My third thought was about my clothing choice of the day.  Black leggings, pink athletic shorts, Senior hoodie, pearl earrings, and Uggs.  You know, I'm a second semester senior.  I don't really care what the guys at my school think.  At least I didn't wear the "sweatpants, nasty tee, hair thrown up, no makeup, and flip flops" combination.  I did put on some makeup and my pearl earrings.  I probably looked better than all those bitches that were judging.  Yeah, I definitely saw you guys looking.  It was either that or they were wondering "Wtf is she wearing?"  Again, you're really not attractive and I don't care to impress any of you guys.  I'm graduating and leaving you all.  Have fun judging people and hopefully coming to the realization that none of it matters in the end.  Do you honestly think I'd step out of my house without looking cute?  Trust me, it would not happen.

My life is average...  Yeah, right.

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