Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring Break!

So, as it is now popularly known, many of High Point's finest headed down to the Gulf Coast for Spring Break 2012!  Panama City Beach was, in essence, the perfect vacation.  I loved it, but I would never want to have those exact same experiences EVER again.  So, at midnight on that Friday night, we packed up my new car and hit the road for new experiences with different people, at the beach, and away from school!  Little do we know, a storm is looming ahead.  When I say that, I don't mean it symbolically, we literally drove through a tornado, missed our exit because we couldn't see anything, and lived to tell the tale!  Not to mention, we then lived through a week of what I would like to call excessive everything.  We all learned a few key things in PCB though!

1.  Don't use a fake ID... Just don't.
2.  If you find Lisa Trigueiro, please return her to...
3.  You'll most likely find her by a tractor or in another town.
4.  Don't drink all day, every day.  You're going to die.
5.  At some point in time, suicide will be a thought.  Whether it's because of the massive hangover you've procured from a day/night of all the different kinds of bombs, shots, beers, and whatever else made it's way into your bloodstream or because there are just SO many balconies to jump off of, it will be a thought.
6.  Don't let your friends run off without you, and if they do, tape their arms so people know you're together.  We're all kids at heart and when you're matching, people just KNOW you're together. :D
7.  Someone's going to fall in love.
8.  Did your bf/gf go to Spring Break?  Yeah, I wouldn't count on that one...
9.  If you get arrested, make sure someone takes a picture, so you remember it.
10.  People aren't how they really are on SB.  We are all hyped up, alcohol induced, and much more spontaneous version of ourselves while on vacation.
11.  Don't get lost, please.  Whatever you do, make sure that someone sober knows where you are.
12.  Don't blackout with other people who are blacked out.  Remember, your friends are drunk and will think ANYTHING is a great idea.
13.  Don't play dizzy bat with only liquor.  But if you do, make sure you hit the hell out of the beer can/ball they throw at you.
14.  Pray that there aren't embarrassing photos of you, and then when you see them, just pretend like it never happened.
15.  Whatever you do, have fun.  No regrets!! :D  BOMO YOLO!!

Seven Days...

With only seven days of class left, I've been sitting here thinking about what the heck I'm doing with my life.  Sure, I'm VP, an IRC Rep, and in a sorority, but what am I really doing?  I haven't even been able to answer that question and it's been a few weeks!  I spoke to my adviser the other day about future plans and what I'm worried about and she literally told me that I'm a freshman and I need to just relax first.  WHAT?!  How am I supposed to "relax" when my future plan is to start a multi-gajillion dollar fashion/clothing line, write a bestselling novel, marry someone who makes enough money that I could be a stay at home mother, but hold a job that generates more money than he does, end poverty in the world, start a charity fund, AND save the world?!  Okay, let's be completely honest, probably none of the above is going to happen and I'm more than likely just going to end up going to law school and forgetting about all of my hopes and dreams...  I joke.  I would NEVER do that and I would NEVER suggest that anyone gives up their dreams for a job they won't love.  It will never end well if you don't love what you do!

I think back on what now is the closing of freshman year and I see a huge blur!  It like my life was put on the high speed setting on your hairdryer and the power button broke so all you get is this ridiculous droning sound!  In a span of semesters, I've managed to do SO much and make so many new friends and memories.  I'm in love with it!  I love all of it!  What I don't love is that finals are coming up.  It's like death.  Luckily for me, I have a completely jam-packed schedule and have no time to even study (wonderful!).  Please, just kill me now.

Also, I feel awful about not posting in a while and I never even wrote about my Spring Break!  Gosh, what's new?  Panama City Beach, a lot of crazy people, good memories, now faded tan lines, loud music, and endless hours at the bars and clubs!  I have sooo many thoughts in my head right now and I'm just trying to get them all out, but I think I'll have to write a whole separate post about spring break, seeing as it was a week of wreaking havoc in PCB, I'll leave you to your imaginations at the trouble that was caused!

Love you guys!  As always, thanks for reading!