Thursday, June 9, 2011

Why the heck did you choose High Point University?! You could throw a rock from your backyard and hit the University Center!

So… guys, I’m sending in this blog post in order to try and become a student blogger for High Point University!  Def, let me know what you guys think!  I have to write about ‘why I chose HPU.’  Jesus, I’d say that’s easy, but have you seen the place?  There are a million and twenty-seven reasons I could probably find as to why I chose HPU!  Now, not to sound shallow, but purple is my absolute favorite color!  High Point University’s school color?  Purple.  You can put a and b together. ;)  During my application process for colleges, I actually never even considered HPU.  Why?  Well, I’d actually never even heard about it!  Every single day I sit here and ask myself “how was that even possible?”  I mean, look at the place!  Anyways, loves, High Point University definitely has my heart!  I am constantly talking about it and I really feel like the staff want us there and care about us.  I’m really glad that my mother dragged my butt fifteen minutes from home to tour this “awful campus.”  Yes, I actually told my mother that I didn’t “want to tour some stupid campus only fifteen minutes from home.”  What happened to that?  As soon as we pull onto Montlieu, I think my heart dropped out of my butt!  I couldn’t even BELIEVE what I was seeing!  High Point had something big and, dare I say it, cool!  I am immediately greeted by this mass of PURPLE!  Honestly, what the heck was this place?  I was thrilled with the purple, my name on the sign, the golf cart tour, the gorgeous dorms and all of our amenities, but what was the biggest reason I chose HPU?  The people.  I fell in love with how everyone there welcomed newcomers.  I didn’t feel out of place a single bit!  To add to the effect, I didn’t even have to worry about leaving my purse outside on the golf cart.  The fact that my campus is so safe and the people are so trustworthy that I can leave my purse just sitting tells me something.  High Point University was definitely THE place for me.  Do you think I would have even though about leaving my Louis sitting outside at ASU or UNCG?  Chyeah, right.  On top of that, HPU is GATED!  No parking decal or guest pass?  No entrance.  Too bad for those psycho-I’m-going-to-come-to-a-college-campus-and-shoot-ten-kids-and-steal-an-xbox-just-to-say-I-did creeptastic sick-o’s.  I could go on and on for days about why I love HPU, but I only have 500 words…  AND I’m on 427.  Oh, did I mention that as soon as I got home from HPU, I immediately withdrew my application from my former first choice school?  Yeah, UNC Chapel Hill, sorry guys.  Nothing on HPU.  (:

Lots of love and joy,

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