Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spring Break

I'm on SB and I'm updating because? ...I found what makes me happy.

I've been spending my break with my long time best friend, Mary Kayler.  I honestly don't know what I would do without her.  She's been pretty solid for the past 11 years and I don't doubt that she will be in my wedding.  It's crazy that we're still as close as we are after so long and after her family uprooted itself from the lovely little town of Tyro, North Carolina and relocated to Asheville!  Honestly, my break has been amazing.  We've been catching up on so much and telling each other about new developments and talking about COLLEGE.  Needless to say, we will see each other plenty.  I'm an avid Carolina fan and she is going to none other than UNC-Chapel Hill!!  We've been talking a lot about happiness and things as well.

Honest to God, I am the happiest that I have been in a very long time.  I'm not sure how else to explain it, but I'm happy.  I'm loving every second of it.  I'm talking about ridiculous amounts of smiling every single day!  I feel great every time I wake up because I know that it's not a dream.

Richard Roman is going to prom with me.  As in, he is getting his butt on a plane on Thursday May 12th, 2011 and spending the whole rest of the weekend with me.  I can't believe it's happening!  I am all smiles, my loves.  ALL SMILES(:

I told you, I had a great reason for being so happy.  I love my life and I am amazed at the beauty and how full of life and absolutely perfect my relationship is.  It's a friendship that's been built and even now, being built up layer by layer and providing a strong support for the two people it involves.  It make me so happy that I want to proclaim it to the world.  Can I?  Yes.  Will it be rather embarrassing?  Oh, beyond.  Will I do it?  Probably, at some point.  

So, I'm sorry... Well, no... I'm not sorry...  I'm really happy right now and I just want to share it with everyone.  It's ridiculous and I love it.

"Absence is to love as wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small and kindles the great." -Roger de Bussy-Rabutin


Love my life.

"Every time I see your smile 
It makes my heart beat fast
And though it's much too soon to tell
I'm hoping this will last

Cuz I just always wanna have you right here by my side
The future's near but never certain
At least stay here for just tonight

I musta done something right 
To deserve you in my life
I musta done something right 
Along the way

I just can't get you off my mind
And why would I even try? 
Cuz even when I close my eyes
I dream about you all the time

I just always wanna have you right here by my side. 
The future's near but never certain 
So please stay here for just tonight. 

I musta done something right 
To deserve you in my life
I musta done something right 
Along the way

And even if the moon fell down tonight
There'd be nothing to worry about at all 
Because you make the whole world shine
As long as you're here everything will be alright

I musta done something right 
To deserve you in my life
I musta done something right 
Along the way"

-Chase Coy <- video!!!!

Dead serious, this is my life right now.  To the tee.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

"All other pleasures are not worth its pains."

What an interesting and highly dramatic couple of days!  Let me start off by saying that I've been trying to write this blog for oh, a week now?!  It's been hard to write and every single time I've come close, I've deleted everything I wrote because it just wasn't "right."

Why has it been so dramatic?  Monday night, my Dad and I had the WEIRDEST talk.  He of course was joking with me right before I went to bed and said "Don't you remember when you said you would never date Asians?"  To which I responded, "you're stupid, Dad."  And then he gives me this God awful, probably thought off the top of his head, analogy.  "There are many, thousands of different kinds of birds, but no matter how hard the look and try with different types, they find the one in the crowd that fits them perfect."  What the HELL does that mean?  All of this followed the awkward "love" talk with my Dad.  How much weirder does it get?  My night consisted of crying, on the phone with one, Adam McKerlie.  I love him, he knows me inside and out, it's such a wonderful friendship that we have and then FaceTime'd with Richard Roman.  Of course, I was smiling by the end of the night (2am).  Well, Tuesday, I came to school freaking out and crying because I thought my dad was dying... That's what my parents get for hiding stuff from me.  Never a great idea.  I jump to conclusions guys!  Especially, when the week before my Mom was being uber sketchy about the situation.  That night, my best friend's parents got into a major fight and he and his little brother ended up staying at my house that night.  Blechhh!  Parents make a whole lot of sense sometimes... NOT.

Anyways, so far, this week has been... extremely progressive.  After several different people telling me that they could tell I was stressed out and needed some time off, I finally thought about it.  I've been so stressed out with everything that I can't even process things right!  I took the day off from life and just slept.  I feel so much better and way more refreshed now that I've done so.  Also, guys, I know this is totally off topic, but I'm going in for my interview at bebe today!  Wish me luck!  All my talk about fashion and style is about to either bite me in the butt or help me tons!

All of this and I have yet to even start into the REAL reason behind this blog... God, I don't even know where to start...

"All other pleasures are not worth its pains."

Last night, was a very interesting and good night.  To start off with, I spend EVERY single night from about 11pm-3/4am on FaceTime with Richard.  I have to say that although I feel like absolute crap every morning, it seems worth it.  I finally, came out and put some things into perspective and everything just kind of fell into place after that.  Was I ridiculously scared to?  Absolutely.  If you know me well, you know that I am awfully afraid of rejection.  Insecure?  Perhaps.  I don't know when or how it all happened, but somewhere between March 25th and now, I've grown up a lot.  I've come to realize a lot of stuff and the biggest one was coming to the realization that I can't make everyone happy.  After Adam, Rich, and my Dad all "lectured" me on making myself happy and relaxing, I guess I finally took it to heart.  I keep getting myself off topic, but it all kind of ties in a little...  You know that feeling that you get when you just KNOW?  Well, I got that feeling somewhere between March 25th and now.  Not even a month.  Ugh.  I guess, what I'm really trying to say is, that I'm extremely thankful that I found someone that gets me and who doesn't judge me at all.  Someone who think's I'm beautiful when I'm not wearing makeup and who upon first meeting me, told me that there was something different about me.  Something he couldn't quite put his finger on, but as we've gotten to know each other better, the inner fabrics of my personality are showing and he's finding out just what made me stand out.  I found a best friend.  Someone who made me happy.  It's not even all about that I "like" this person.  It's been about the fact that we seem to get each other.  Every morning when I wake up, I feel like an absolute train wreck, but I get my coffee and a wonderful "good morning" text message and instantly, my day turns around.  I have the HUGEST smile on my face when I see that name pop up on my phone.  This is totally putting EVERYTHING out there for anyone to read, but I guess I kind of needed to.  He says staying up every night is worth it.  He says that when he starts talking to me, he just can't stop.  Hopefully, this isn't TOO much.  It's a tell all, for sure.

"All other pleasures are not worth its pains."

Enjoy it guys. [:

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Nice head tilt, bro.

You guys may or may not know, but I got the iPhone4 from Verizon on Friday.  I adore it.  It's made my life, I swear, five million times easier!  Anyways, I used Facetime for the first time last night.  Let me just TELL you how entertaining my conversation was.  Richard and I Facetimed for a total of 4 hours and 48 minutes.  What did we have to talk about?  Only God knows.  We gave each other virtual tours of our rooms and I introduced him to my lovely stuffed animal collection only to find that we have MATCHING teddy bears!  Totes presh! Well, they match except his is like a life sized version of me... that thing is HUGE and mine is normal sized!  Obvs, you guys don't actually want to hear about EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING that we talked about so I'll move on.  [:  Richard, hope those bags aren't too bad, don't forget the cold spoon thing!!! ;D  I mean I'll probably have Gucci and Prada totes under my eyes for the rest of the day.  Also, I hope your stitches heal up okay!  No more vigorous sneezing, or else the rest of your stitches are going to come out too! ♥

On that note, I'm going to elaborate a little bit more on my last post.  It really wasn't that great and I was going through some major writer's block.  So that guy, seriously came into work the other day and just kind of sat there while I was talking to customers and serving.  He just kind of SAT there.  So, of course I, being "little miss WAY too nice to people," talked to him.  How awk.  He left after a bit and I later received a text message from him.  Remember back in like 6th grade when we all used to use those ridiculous and absolutely awful "signatures" that basically told our mood and what's going on in our lives and who we date?  Well, his signature said "broken."  Dude, get OVER it.  Start a blog if you have problems (like I did ;D).  You and your ex are not getting back together and even if you do, it's not going to get better.  I'm sorry.  Grow up a little bit and earn your Man Card back, because as of right now, your Man Card has been REVOKED by a girl.  That's saying something.  Get over the girl, quit being awkard toward me, delete that signature, and find a hobbie!  Like, baking or IDK... running?!  It's healthy.  Dwelling over this is SO not healthy.

Well, guys, that's all for now.  Come back for more!  :)♥

I'm the monster under your bed ;)

First off, I want to apologize for not writing in a while!  I've been awfully busy with school and what not.  So, I'll start off by saying that TotalFratMove literally makes my day.  Check it out!

So, earlier last week this guy started IMing me on Facebook.  I'm pretty annoyed with him already.  This guy is 100% not even close to my type.  I mean, he's a nice guy, but just not for me.  Anyways, this guy and his gf just broke up so I understand he needs a rebound, but it's not going to be ME.  He proceeds to give me his number to text him and a day later after not texting him, he texts me.  I'm sitting here thinking "who the ef is this??!" so I asked him and his reply was absolutely ridiculous.  If you refer to the title of this blog, you'll know what his reply was...  WTF was he thinking.

Other than that, it's been a pretty decent week.  I got my cap and gown Monday and Spring break is next weekend!!  I honestly am more excited about Move in at HPU than I am about my own Graduation...  Not good.  LOL.  Btw, go check out HPUR-The Sound, yet another HPU thing...  It's an obsession, maybe.

Today in class one of my friends JUST now heard about the "government shut down" thing...  Late much?  That was just a random thought bubble from me.  Enjoy guys!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Newell Clark

Today, I had the pleasure of meeting one Newell Clark.  Obviously, the sign in the window at High Rock Outfitters came to mind as soon as I was introduced to him.  He is a candidate for the November election for the Mayor of Lexington.  My first impression?  He's full of life and energy and wants to make Lexington better.  A supporter of High Rock Outfitters, Newell seems to have everything going for him.  I've never met our current mayor, but I am willing to say that Newell will fit well into the office.  His enthusiasm for helping this area was evident in the way he spoke.  He brought up today that he arrived home about two weeks ago from Texas where he visited a Career Technical High School.  The way he spoke about it makes me wonder why we don't have one.  Students are literally graduating high school with certifications to work in pharmacies and CNA's.  Sure, we have the CNA program, but we only have two pathways to choose from: University or Tech.  These students are choosing something like a major and throughout the course of high school are learning more about this "major" and upon graduating, are going on to study these things at a college.  If they are on the pre-law path, their classroom is a courtroom, if their "major" is design, their classroom is a studio.  Sounds like college and it sounds like a great idea and would help students.  Newell's enthusiasm about everything he talks about makes him an easily likable person.  He will, without a doubt, be good for Lexington and bring a "younger" vibe to this town.  In the November election, my vote goes to Newell Clark.  Sure, I'm only 18, but what does it say about a candidate when he can captivate an audience of all ages?  Great speaker and a perfect fit to be the Mayor of Lexington.

The article in The Dispatch here shows his announcement to run for mayor.  Newell is shown here with his family on the same day at the announcement of his candidacy.  Also, visit to volunteer, see the press release, or his photo blog.

Newell Clark is a wonderful person and I look forward to casting my vote that will make him the mayor of Lexington.

We don't play.

Guys, my laptop has officially really committed suicide.  It's so sad.  It's been a good 5 years, RIP.  In other more interesting and exciting things, I was confronted yesterday about an item on my bill at the Sapona Country Club Restaurant.  My mother was extremely upset about this situation.  Apparently, there was a liquor charge to our account the night that my friend Ashley and I went there for dessert and Shirley Temples.  My mother called the manager there and demanded to know what the deal was.  Amanda told my mother that Donna, our waitress, told her that I gave her an ID for an alcoholic beverage and then the next person who talked to my mother told her that she should search through my belongings for a fake ID.  OKAY, guys, let's think about this.  If I had a fake ID, would I go across the street from my home and use it?  Not a chance.  Should some random person be telling my mother how to raise her children?  We don't pay for a membership for someone to lecture my mother on how to raise her children, we pay for it to participate in club affairs and her pay check.  Today, I walked into the club house to discuss these matters.  Whoever I talked to started explaining away.  She also told me that Donna told her that she never had to ID me because it wasn't an alcoholic beverage, but just yesterday, my mother was informed that Donna said "I ID'd her."  Hmmm, sounds like a few lies going on in this administration.  For future references, we don't care about the price, we care that you are lying to us and that you are trying to tell my mother how to raise me.  We are members there and we do not ask for your advice now or in any future cases.  Oh, did I mention this has caused them to refresh the entire system, our member number to be changed, and a full refund for that night's meal?  Hey, Sapona, refunds don't make everything better.  Ridiculous.  Just a reminder, if you think this will stop me from showing my face at the club house, please think again.  You want to mess with the Nguyen's?  We don't play.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"Ke Dollar Sign Ha"

Wake up in the morning with a tree in the road,
Grab my mug, I'm out the door, I'm gonna hit this city.
Before I left had a text saying there's no school,
'Cause last night left the city with no freakin power.

I'm talkin bout Main Street's been blocked off, off
My phone didn't charge last night, night
News blowin up my phone, phone
Tree's droppin hittin power lines
Canceling all our classes
Tryna take away our SPRING BREAK.

So, this morning I seriously woke up to tons of wind and trees in my road.  What's up weather?  Yesterday it was 82 degrees and now it's rainy, nasty, oh and a tornado just tore through, that's all.  This is KILLING our already non-existent Spring Break!  I'm really not sure what to think right now, other than the fact that I'm at work and no one is in here and even though the music is on, it feels deathly quiet and empty.  This is probably due to the fact that Main Street was blocked off this morning when I was coming through.  Let me know what you guys think about this parody!  Have an awesome day in bed, Davidson County students, and have a great day at school City School kids!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Pranks, pranks, pranks!

This morning marks the final 9 weeks of my high school career.  Wow.  Only 9 weeks to prove that the Senior Class of 2011 is the best and will always be the best.  Warm weather is coming up and it's about that time for a Senior Prank.  Past pranks have mostly been trashing the school.  Why the heck are we going to do that?  We want a positive image, not "Hey y'all let's go and trash the field and TP the school!"  LAME.  Hmmm... stage a Rootbeer Keg Party on campus?  That sounds like a promising idea.  Senior Prank Season is here.  Let's get to planning!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

500 and counting!

At exactly 11:00pm BBB counted 500 hits!  Thanks guys for being super dedicated and I'm so glad you guys like my blog.  The official release of this blog was April 1, 2011 12:52am and it's gotten now, over 500 hits since then.  You guys are he absolute best!  I love you guys!

Speaking of hits... recap from yesterday's blog.  The stupid drunk woman who hit the parked car across the street... No bueno.  Seriously guys, don't drink and drive.  It has to be one of he most idiotic things you can do.  Drinking and driving causes the most accidents and deaths in automobiles.  And if you happen to do this, can you please make sure that you are not driving a Mercedes?!

Love you guys!  Y'all are the absolute best! ♥


I don't know about you guys, but I get extremely annoyed when parents have like 8 of their kids with them at the grocery store.  Now, if they were well behaved and just stayed with their parents it would be another story.  Today, I was grocery shopping when I hear these ridiculously obnoxious screams and shouts.  These five kids were running around chasing each other with NO parents in sight.  One of them almost ran right into my shopping cart, thereafter, knocked over some boxes on a kiosk.  Control your children or leave them at home.  No one wants your kids running into them, potentially causing a scene.  Maybe I'm just an old Scrooge about it, but I do not want to listen to or see your kids running into things and knocking stuff off of the shelves.  The grocery store is not a daycare!

Also, everyone who texts knows what I'm talking about.  You know when you don't want to talk to someone and you start to send those one word "yeah, k, mhm, lol, hah, oh, (:" type messages and the person on the opposite end just DOESN'T get it.  Ran into this several times in the past couple of days.  You have that one friend who texts you a freaking book and expects one in return and instead you simply send "oh. haha. nice."  You would think this person would get the point, but NO.  Nobody wants to read a 5 page long text message, it is after all supposed to be quick and to the point.  If it's not, I bet you a phone call would take way less time and a lot less effort.  People like that are going to get Tenosynovitis!  Check that out, it's a link!  In short, text me something quick and don't blow up my phone with 7 text messages back to back because 160 characters isn't enough to tell me what you need to tell me.  Just call me if it's going to take longer.  Sucks how our society is completely centered around texting now, huh?  I feel like we're all slowly getting disconnected from each other.  We'll probably eventually lose our sense of hearing down the Evolution chain somewhere because of this.  :D  That's all for now!  Thoughts, comments, concerns?  All feedback is welcome!  Hope you enjoyed it!

Cops, Flights, and Lap Dances.

I know I promised a blog last night, but under the circumstances I think getting home at 3:00 in the morning to find that my laptop had committed suicide, earns me a little slack.  So, my Saturday night consisted of rebooking a flight, going to a birthday party, and heading up to work for the last couple hours of the night!  Who knew I could jam all of this in, in one night?!

Yesterday, my mother called me to tell me some news.  I had booked my trip for New York City for Saturday, June 11th through Wednesday night June 15th.  The news?  I had to rebook my home bound flight for Tuesday.  I originally booked it for Wednesday so I would have Thursday-Sunday to pack and to get rest for my trip on Monday June 20th to Vietnam.  Again, plans had changed and my Vietnam flight was now a 6:00 in the morning flight on WEDNESDAY!  As much as I want to say "I'll be fine," some part of me thinks that back to back flights and trips probably aren't a good thing, especially since we're changing time zones.  It's April 3, 2011 11:28 am here?  It's April 3, 2011 10:28 pm there.  That is going to be one hell of a time change.  As soon as Graduation is over, I'm bidding Lexington and America adieu for four maybe five straight weeks.  I look forward to blogging about my adventures in the great city of New York and of course the photo shoots, massive amounts of shopping, and beautiful scenery in Vietnam!

I also attended one of my close friend's birthday party last night.  When I first arrived, I felt beyond awkward.  I mean, this was my Senior class, the people that I grew up with!  What's to feel awkward?  Maybe the fact that my entire Senior year's schedule has been split between two different schools could provide the awkward "I don't really know these people anymore" factor, but I quickly got over it and the music got cranked up and everyone started having a good time.  We reminisced about past summers, good times on our Sophomore class trip, and we talked about our future plans; where we were going to end up in the Fall, what we wanted to do with our lives, scholarships, and majors.  Makes you really miss middle school when we never did anything, but hang out and have fun.  Ashley, the birthday girl received a lap dance from one Peyton Barr.  An amazing dancer he is.  ;)  Enter phase 3 of the party, techno music and the dance off.  Of course this would happen with Mo Yarboro and Peyton Barr in the same room!  I could watch Mo dance all day and sometimes I just don't even want to dance because she would, undoubtedly, show me up.  She and Peyton could probably be America's Best Dance Crew, just the two of them.  It's ridiculous!  I hope we ensured a wonderful birthday party for Ashley and Happy Early Birthday to her!  Here's to two great weekends in a row for her!

Ah, High Rock Outfitters.  My amazing job and pretty much the only place I ever want to be in Lexington.  Last night was the Sanctum Sully concert.  I was not working this show, but I did however, come to the after party.  I showed up around 1:00 am and was greeted with "Yvonne!  Dude, you only missed the music by an hour and a half!"  and high fives all around.  Like I said, I LOVE MY JOB.  Apparently, while I was at the birthday party, some woman in a Mercedes decided to run into a car across the street from us.  Totals it and gets hauled to jail.  Don't drink and drive guys.  Especially, don't drink and drive a Mercedes.  Daddy is not going to be happy about that one, I can tell you that.  According to my bosses, the night went extremely well and my night only got better when I arrived.  I'm pretty sure it's not safe to park a car on main street.  In the middle of the road.  That actually might be illegal to do so.  I watched 2 cops do it.  AND I watched as a cop had a tow truck do a completely illegal U-turn on main street.  Just because you're in law enforcement does not mean you can break the law.  You're supposed to enforce it.  Also, we talked about how ridiculous and how much explaining these two cops would have to do to their supervisors if there happened to be one of those high speed chases that came down main street as these two cop cars are literally parked in the road.  No doubt, fender bender would only partially describe the damage and loss of job might be on the horizon.  Also, cops love to stare at people.  Everyone in High Rock Outfitters that was buying alcohol was beyond the age of 21.  They act like by staring someone is going to come out and say "Oh, hi.  I'm not 21 yet."  Ah, the stupidity and ridiculousness of law enforcement these days. 

Again, guys, sorry for not posting last night!  Hopefully, you enjoy this one!  Let me know what topics you guys want to hear about!  Feedback is always good!  Love you guys and thanks for all the hits!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Chai Tea Lattes and Conform

This morning, I was faced with the ever-present fact that I had to be at work at 7:30am.  Did I get up?  Yes.  Did I want to?  Not a chance.  It's actually already been a really interesting morning!  You learn a lot of things when you work at a coffee shop/bar/outfitters store!  I was having a nice time trying to write my blog and in walks this guy.  He asked me what time the jewelry store a few doors down opens.  Do I look like I know what time that place opens?  So, we Google'd it.  With 31 minutes left to spare we just started talking about the interesting things that go on and about kayaking and such.  Four short jokes and a few "one armed man" jokes later, we're talking about everything from kayaks to relationships!  What a morning and what a character.  I promised him I'd email him this blog if he was included, so here's to you, Mike!

In other thoughts, I woke up with the worst sore throat this morning!  All this weather up and down is killing me.  It also might have something to do with the fact that I was awake at 3:00 this morning, but that's besides the point.

I was looking at our wall of stickers today and I noticed one that says "do what you wanna do."  Just thinking about it a little brings me to thinking about how effed up society is.  Society tells us we have to follow these strict guidelines or else we're "out."  What's all this about?  I like being my own individual self, whether or not it follows these guidelines or not.  Teenagers especially, are faced with this issue.  The older generation expects to "act our age," but we are acting our age.  When you're a teenager and your brain is growing, testosterone levels spike and aid in our poor decision making and our tempers.  You can't expect us to be "professional" because we, actually, aren't that mature.  Sure, we try to be, but mostly we fail at it.  I'm sitting here with my wonderful Chai Tea Latte wondering what the adult generation wants from us.  What does society want from all of us?  Conform?  Calm?  Sounds a little 1950's to me.  With this generation, we're doing all new things and everything around us is changing daily!  How can we conform to what the society has kept as a standard for years and years?  Save for classic style, everything else changes, all the time.

I leave you with this thought: Follow society and conform to all of it's ways or "do what you wanna do."

Friday, April 1, 2011

99 Bottles of Pisgah Pale Ale...

After a night full of "Never Have I Ever," Sonic, Ocean Water spritzers, and oddly interesting underclassmen, the idea entered my brain that I had to be at work at 7:30.  7:30 in the morning!!  And here I am, sitting at work, running hot water to wash dishes left over from last night.  No doubt, I have the coolest job in town.  Who else gets to make coffee, listen to awesome music, work concerts, and get tips?  All the while, learning about the different types of beers and what makes them special.  That's sure going to help me impress a few people in the future.  What female is going to be able to advise you as to which beer you should have?  The $1 Bud Light or the $4 Pisgah Pale Ale?  Definitely, the Pale Ale.

It's 8:16 and I still have not sold my first cup of coffee.  Why do people insist on coming in RIGHT before I need to leave and order a fantastic creation that will, no doubt, keep me there an extra 7 minutes.  Add 3 minutes because most of them enjoy talking, so that comes up to 10 minutes that I could have been making my way to class.  No worries today though!  No classes: no lates. 

For you guys out there who got hooked onto my "style" rant, I'm pretty laid back today.  True Religion skinny's tucked into Steve Madden tan boots, a gray Polo knit sweater type shirt, pearl earrings, and my university's hoodie.  Style is style, not fashion.  I spend a large amount of my thoughts dividing between the two, they work together, yet they aren't close.  Style and Fashion...  two ideas that sometimes clash and sometimes coincide.  Either way, it doesn't take a genius to tell that I am in full "chillax" mode right now at my job, did I mention it's always freezing in here? 

Well, guys.  I'm headed off of here to make some coffee and find out what today will bring.  I'm sure it will end up on here by the end of the night or tomorrow afternoon.  Leave me comments and ideas of what I should write about next!


Parking Passes & Underclassmen

Can anyone tell me why the entirety of the underclassmen population is in my bedroom?  Yeah, me either.  In other news...

Earlier this week, I was faced with the challenge of finding a parking spot.  My lovely and extremely urban (I live in Tyro, North Carolina... not much to it, but farms and more farms) high school has three types of people.  The people who pay $20 for a useless parking pass and park in the parking lot, the lazy seniors who don't pay $20 for the passes and still park in the lot, and then you have the pot heads/alcoholics/rednecks that parked in the dirt lot.  Yes, I said parked.  Apparently, every single person in the entire dirt lot now parks in the parking lot.  I pulled into school after internship and BAM! Every parking spot in front of the Nifty Fifty sign is filled.  What is going on people?!  Hey, Administration, check people's passes and start writing tickets!  I guarantee half of the people in the lot do not have a parking pass, including yours truly.  Also, what is with those students that travel 2nd period and wait until I am parked and well on my way into school to finally pull out of the parking lot.  You're probably an annoying underclassmen who doesn't deserve a spot on the first 8 rows anyways.  Leave earlier or I'm going to plow your car.  K, thanks.  Just my random thought of the moment.

Also, the underclassmen and I are playing Never Have I Ever.