I know I promised a blog last night, but under the circumstances I think getting home at 3:00 in the morning to find that my laptop had committed suicide, earns me a little slack. So, my Saturday night consisted of rebooking a flight, going to a birthday party, and heading up to work for the last couple hours of the night! Who knew I could jam all of this in, in one night?!
Yesterday, my mother called me to tell me some news. I had booked my trip for New York City for Saturday, June 11th through Wednesday night June 15th. The news? I had to rebook my home bound flight for Tuesday. I originally booked it for Wednesday so I would have Thursday-Sunday to pack and to get rest for my trip on Monday June 20th to Vietnam. Again, plans had changed and my Vietnam flight was now a 6:00 in the morning flight on WEDNESDAY! As much as I want to say "I'll be fine," some part of me thinks that back to back flights and trips probably aren't a good thing, especially since we're changing time zones. It's April 3, 2011 11:28 am here? It's April 3, 2011 10:28 pm there. That is going to be one hell of a time change. As soon as Graduation is over, I'm bidding Lexington and America adieu for four maybe five straight weeks. I look forward to blogging about my adventures in the great city of New York and of course the photo shoots, massive amounts of shopping, and beautiful scenery in Vietnam!
I also attended one of my close friend's birthday party last night. When I first arrived, I felt beyond awkward. I mean, this was my Senior class, the people that I grew up with! What's to feel awkward? Maybe the fact that my entire Senior year's schedule has been split between two different schools could provide the awkward "I don't really know these people anymore" factor, but I quickly got over it and the music got cranked up and everyone started having a good time. We reminisced about past summers, good times on our Sophomore class trip, and we talked about our future plans; where we were going to end up in the Fall, what we wanted to do with our lives, scholarships, and majors. Makes you really miss middle school when we never did anything, but hang out and have fun. Ashley, the birthday girl received a lap dance from one Peyton Barr. An amazing dancer he is. ;) Enter phase 3 of the party, techno music and the dance off. Of course this would happen with Mo Yarboro and Peyton Barr in the same room! I could watch Mo dance all day and sometimes I just don't even want to dance because she would, undoubtedly, show me up. She and Peyton could probably be America's Best Dance Crew, just the two of them. It's ridiculous! I hope we ensured a wonderful birthday party for Ashley and Happy Early Birthday to her! Here's to two great weekends in a row for her!
Ah, High Rock Outfitters. My amazing job and pretty much the only place I ever want to be in Lexington. Last night was the Sanctum Sully concert. I was not working this show, but I did however, come to the after party. I showed up around 1:00 am and was greeted with "Yvonne! Dude, you only missed the music by an hour and a half!" and high fives all around. Like I said, I LOVE MY JOB. Apparently, while I was at the birthday party, some woman in a Mercedes decided to run into a car across the street from us. Totals it and gets hauled to jail. Don't drink and drive guys. Especially, don't drink and drive a Mercedes. Daddy is not going to be happy about that one, I can tell you that. According to my bosses, the night went extremely well and my night only got better when I arrived. I'm pretty sure it's not safe to park a car on main street. In the middle of the road. That actually might be illegal to do so. I watched 2 cops do it. AND I watched as a cop had a tow truck do a completely illegal U-turn on main street. Just because you're in law enforcement does not mean you can break the law. You're supposed to enforce it. Also, we talked about how ridiculous and how much explaining these two cops would have to do to their supervisors if there happened to be one of those high speed chases that came down main street as these two cop cars are literally parked in the road. No doubt, fender bender would only partially describe the damage and loss of job might be on the horizon. Also, cops love to stare at people. Everyone in High Rock Outfitters that was buying alcohol was beyond the age of 21. They act like by staring someone is going to come out and say "Oh, hi. I'm not 21 yet." Ah, the stupidity and ridiculousness of law enforcement these days.
Again, guys, sorry for not posting last night! Hopefully, you enjoy this one! Let me know what topics you guys want to hear about! Feedback is always good! Love you guys and thanks for all the hits!
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