This morning, I was faced with the ever-present fact that I had to be at work at 7:30am. Did I get up? Yes. Did I want to? Not a chance. It's actually already been a really interesting morning! You learn a lot of things when you work at a coffee shop/bar/outfitters store! I was having a nice time trying to write my blog and in walks this guy. He asked me what time the jewelry store a few doors down opens. Do I look like I know what time that place opens? So, we Google'd it. With 31 minutes left to spare we just started talking about the interesting things that go on and about kayaking and such. Four short jokes and a few "one armed man" jokes later, we're talking about everything from kayaks to relationships! What a morning and what a character. I promised him I'd email him this blog if he was included, so here's to you, Mike!
In other thoughts, I woke up with the worst sore throat this morning! All this weather up and down is killing me. It also might have something to do with the fact that I was awake at 3:00 this morning, but that's besides the point.
I was looking at our wall of stickers today and I noticed one that says "do what you wanna do." Just thinking about it a little brings me to thinking about how effed up society is. Society tells us we have to follow these strict guidelines or else we're "out." What's all this about? I like being my own individual self, whether or not it follows these guidelines or not. Teenagers especially, are faced with this issue. The older generation expects to "act our age," but we are acting our age. When you're a teenager and your brain is growing, testosterone levels spike and aid in our poor decision making and our tempers. You can't expect us to be "professional" because we, actually, aren't that mature. Sure, we try to be, but mostly we fail at it. I'm sitting here with my wonderful Chai Tea Latte wondering what the adult generation wants from us. What does society want from all of us? Conform? Calm? Sounds a little 1950's to me. With this generation, we're doing all new things and everything around us is changing daily! How can we conform to what the society has kept as a standard for years and years? Save for classic style, everything else changes, all the time.
I leave you with this thought: Follow society and conform to all of it's ways or "do what you wanna do."
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